Empathy Workshops & Courses | Empathy Certification | Counselling | Consulting

Certified Empathic Professional® Program

Do you want to cultivate a culture within your organisation that is inclusive and psychologically safe, where people thrive at work and are able to manage stress and conflicts effectively?

Build an inclusive culture, enhance leadership capabilities and strengthen team synergy –

all through the Certified Empathic Professional® program.

“When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems.”

– Stephen Covey, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

Certified Empathic Professional® Program

Do you want to transform the culture within your organisation into one that nurtures connection, efficiency and mutual respect? The Certified Empathic Professional® program is designed to holistically develop your leaders and employees – by helping them attain clarity and awareness regarding the conscious and subconscious challenges they face in their work and personal lives. Participants are guided to delve deep within themselves, fostering empathic insights, and then explore how the dynamics of empathy can improve workplace relationships such that the overall culture shifts.

In this holistic program, you will explore the inner landscape of your mind, emotions, and relationships, unveiling the patterns that contribute to chaos and emotional turbulence. Through guided introspection and skill-building exercises, you will develop the tools to regulate yourself, engage in effective conversations, set healthy boundaries, manage multiple stakeholders and respectfully resolve disagreements.

Facilitated within a supportive and intimate group setting, you will engage with your peers on a shared path of personal growth. By deepening your empathy and understanding of others, you will foster authentic connections that enrich both your personal and professional life.

Why the Certified Empathic Professional® is everything you have been looking for.

In this program, we delve into often overlooked concepts within workplace environments.

Our journey starts with self-exploration, recognising that genuine transformation begins within ourselves— the only aspect we have complete control over, with an emphasis on self-empathy as a foundation for understanding and connecting with others. We understand the significant impact our personal lives have on our professional presence and so we explore the interconnectedness of these realms. With a psychological perspective on self and relationship management, our safe and non-judgmental small group setting encourages authentic sharing, resulting in profound transformations by the end of the course. The program extends over several months to reinforce key concepts and allows participants to apply their learnings in real-life situations beyond the sessions, ensuring practical, application-based growth.

What is covered in the Certified Empathic Professional® program?

The following comprehensive modules are covered as part of the Certified Empathic Professional® program:

Module 1: Introduction to Empathy
Module 2: Self-Empathy and Emotion Regulation
Module 3: Self-Empathy in Response to the Outside World
Module 4: Overcoming Empathy Barriers Affecting Personal Life
Module 5: Overcoming Empathy Barriers Affecting Professional Life
Module 6: Adversarial Empathy and Conflict Management

These modules provide a structured framework for exploring empathy in various contexts, empowering participants to enhance their understanding, regulate emotions, overcome barriers, and effectively manage conflicts. By delving into every aspect that influences empathic practice, this program empowers individuals to develop a profound level of empathy.

How is the Program Organised?

  • The program duration is flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Typically, it spans ten to twelve months, with monthly sessions, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the content and ample time for interactive discussions and activities.
  • Each session will be conducted in small groups of 10 to 15 participants, ensuring an optimal learning environment.

  • You will receive comprehensive learning materials and assignment documents to support your development.

  • To fully benefit from the program, a commitment of 4-5 hours per month outside of the live sessions is necessary for coursework and practice.

  • Timely submission of assignments within the specified deadlines will be expected to ensure completion of the certification requirements.

Price for the 12-month course is USD 42000 for upto 15 participants.

Discounts are available for Indian clients and partner organisations.

Testimonials from our past participants, sharing their course experience and insights:

“My favourite part of the course was the discussions we had, where we revisited moments of life, re-analysed them on the basis of newly acquired knowledge about empathy, applied various techniques to practice empathy and shared our insights with the rest of the group. The course has been a life-changing journey for me. I am certain it will continue to be so, as the learnings from the course do not end with the course, it is a life-long journey of empathic application and reflection.”

“It has been two years since the course. How it changed my relationship with myself and others at work, at home, and in other social circles is incredible. Now and then, I try to go back to the learnings and refresh them. I may not consciously implement them every day but when I look back at how I dealt with difficult moments, I can clearly see how my learnings from the course helped me navigate and communicate in empathic ways.”

– MK, India


“My quality of life has improved greatly from taking Rasha’s class. I understand people better, I communicate with people better – including my family, and I deal with conflicts better.

The experience has been therapeutic for me. Rasha is an excellent teacher. The cost of this course is very reasonable for the time and attention you get and for the quality of the study materials and assignments provided. I would encourage everybody to take this class because you will feel a greater sense of well-being after taking part!”

– SS, Iraq


“I thoroughly enjoyed Rasha’s Certified Empathic Professional™ (CEP) course. It opened up a new world for me. The course has taught me to listen closely to what is important for others, and when I really listen, the effect is powerful.

I now know how to create a mutually safe space where honesty and trust can grow, and my personal and professional relationships have improved. The CEP program has opened up a doorway to an exciting future.”

– GB, Canada


“I’m so happy to have met Rasha and to have taken her wonderful class. Rasha is a talented facilitator and instructor, passionate and knowledgeable about her work, and she made us all feel so comfortable and welcomed in her class.

My favourite part of the class was applying the material Rasha shared to our own lives, through thoughtful questions and personal sharing, which Rasha also participated in. I found some of the inquiry questions and practices, especially around self-empathy, particularly helpful and will carry them forward.

I loved this class and highly recommend it.”



“Life has shown me that empathy might be the one thing that if we practice and do it well, we may have a chance of creating a kinder, understanding, happier and just world to live in. With that in my heart, I started to look for places I could deepen my knowledge of empathy.

The CEP program has been the most amazing journey. I never thought I would be able to learn so much, to share so much with people I never met, from different parts of the globe, with such an amazing facilitator as Rasha. I definitely recommend this program and feel I am a much more empathetic person after this course.”

– MF, Brazil